Best in 2011

While 2011 was a rather lean year, the following films stood out for their originality, poignancy, and overall quality.

10: Hugo: Wonderful, but flawed fable by Scorsese
 9: Higher Ground: Fundamental Christianity for doubters
 8: Mysteries of Lisbon: Extended Gothic tale of 18th century Lisbon; ambitious and interesting
 7: Money-ball: Finally, a true baseball story that does not sink to melodrama
 6: Ides of March: Vastly underrated, modern political coming of age story of ambitious staffer
 5: Incendies: Gripping French Canadian story of Middle Eastern intrigue, treachery, and sadness
 4: My Week with Marilyn: Williams nails MM's flirtatious vulnerability; Branaugh Olivier's restrained manners
 3: Hedgehog: Only the French could make this wonderful coming of age tale of 11year old Parisian.
 2: Contagion: A very plausible reason why we should thank god for the CDC.
 1: Margin Call: Perfectly constructed, tight tale of one day in the life of vulturous Wall Street Investment Bank.

Honorable Mention: Another Year, 13 Assassins, The Beginners, Lincoln Lawyer, The Muppets, Tinker Tailor

Did not yet get to see The Artist.

1 comment:

  1. Have you seen the original "Tinker Taylor Soldier Spy"? It was a British t.v. series. I am wondering if the film is an adaptation of the same story.
