While 2011 was a rather lean year, the following films stood out for their originality, poignancy, and overall quality.
10: Hugo: Wonderful, but flawed fable by Scorsese
9: Higher Ground: Fundamental Christianity for doubters
8: Mysteries of Lisbon: Extended Gothic tale of 18th century Lisbon; ambitious and interesting
7: Money-ball: Finally, a true baseball story that does not sink to melodrama
6: Ides of March: Vastly underrated, modern political coming of age story of ambitious staffer
5: Incendies: Gripping French Canadian story of Middle Eastern intrigue, treachery, and sadness
4: My Week with Marilyn: Williams nails MM's flirtatious vulnerability; Branaugh Olivier's restrained manners
3: Hedgehog: Only the French could make this wonderful coming of age tale of 11year old Parisian.
2: Contagion: A very plausible reason why we should thank god for the CDC.
1: Margin Call: Perfectly constructed, tight tale of one day in the life of vulturous Wall Street Investment Bank.
Honorable Mention: Another Year, 13 Assassins, The Beginners, Lincoln Lawyer, The Muppets, Tinker Tailor
Did not yet get to see The Artist.
Have you seen the original "Tinker Taylor Soldier Spy"? It was a British t.v. series. I am wondering if the film is an adaptation of the same story.